Force Friends Rewatch
1 year ago

E60 Obi-Wan Rewatch: The Negotiator

Don't Forgive those who Trespass against Talz

Episode Notes

You know if you think about it, Obi-Wan Kenobi took a pretty long hiatus too…Either way we’re back!

Andy and Ryan discuss one of the earliest episodes in the Clone Wars Chronology “Trespass”. On this episode:

  • What did we miss?
  • Mando Season 3 could have been great!
  • Some segments of the fandom are weirder than others
  • Luke Skywalker’s dehydration kink
  • A rare necessity for Mon Mothma
  • More Fascists should die knowing they have no legacy
  • A short and very tasteful commercial for Legends Con (a fan run event celebrating the original extended Star Wars universe coming to the Burbank Airport Marriott Convention Center on September 9 & 10, 2023 [tickets on sale now])

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